Fikira Ambazo Hutakiwi kuwa nazo unapoanza UJASIRIAMALI.

Zipo fikira nyingi ambazo watu wanaotaka kuanzisha harakati za ujasiriamali hujikuta wakiwa nazo. Ukweli ni kwamba zingine ni sahihi na baadhi sio sahihi kabisa na huwa ni kikwazo kwa Wajasiriamali wanaochipukia.

Hebu tafakari na fikiri kidogo kuhusu hii misemo ambayo mara nyingi ipo ktk jamii yetu:-
1. Mwanzo mgumu.
2."Nataka niwe kama Bakhresa"
3. Matajiri wa Tanzania ni mafisadi tu.
4. "Dah! Ningekuwa na mtaji ningeanzisha biashara yangu."
5. "Mjini kuna fursa nyingi, si kama kijijini"
6. "Nipo nafanya mishe mishe tu, si unajua tena mtaani"
7. Kupanga ni kuchagua
8. "Maisha ni kombolela, butua uwaokoe wenzako."
9. Chezea mshahara, usichezee kazi
10. Iga kazi..., usiige matumizi,.... utaumbuka.

Je, wewe ni msemo gani unaoujua? Tafadhali comment msemo wako sasa ili tuje tuujadili zaidi.

Leo nataka nikufikirishe kuhusu jambo hili

"Tambua kwamba hautawezi kuwa kama mtu fulani katika jambo unalotaka kulifanya, kwa hiyo kamwe katika ujasiriamali usitafute kuwa kama fulani."Au wanasema, "You will never be like someone, you are unique", "Yes, you are who you are, never try to be like someone"

Haya maneno yana maana pana sana, si kwamba Mjasiriamali hatakiwi kuwa na "Mentor" wake, La Hasha!, namaanisha kwamba kila mtu ana nafasi ya kufikia malengo kwa mchanganyiko wa njia tofauti tofauti. changamoto zitakazokuwa katika biashara yako hazitafanana na za yule "Mentor" wako. Usijaribu ku "copy" kila kitu kutoka kwa mtu fulani hata kama alishafanikiwa sana. kuna mambo ya ndani ambayo mtu yeyote aliyekwishafanikiwa huwa hayaweki wazi katika jamii. Ataishia kusema, mimi nilianza tu taratibu na kazi fulani, nikawa kwa kweli nafanya bidii sana mfano wkt mwingine nililala kwa masaa matatu tu kwa siku kwa sababu ya majukumu. Lakini nikuulize swali, ukilala mda mchache katika ujasiriamali unaotaka kuuanzisha au uliokwisha kuuanza ndio utamfikia siku moja?!!!!!
Mambo ambayo yanafanya wewe usiwe sawa na mtu mwingine hata siku moja katika Ujasiriamali ni kama:-
1. Mpo katika mazingira tofauti
2. Alianza biashara katika kipindi tofauti na wewe, kumbuka vipindi havifanani kamwe.
3. Inawezekana pia mnafanya Ujasiriamali tofauti.
4. Yeye anazungukwa na watu tofauti na wale wanaokuzunguka.
5. Asili yenu, elimu na vipaji vyenu vinatofautiana.

Maada itaendelea, 
Karibu kwa maoni zaidi:
biragipaul@gmail.com, +255 758 162 447

busiminet@gmail.com, +255 765 901 093

Mwananyala-msikitini, Dar es salaam
Tunatoa huduma mbalimbali ukiwemo ushauri wa kibiashara pia.
Find us on facebook, blog and Jamii Forum .


Learn about TRA's Revenue Gateway System (RGS).

The Tanzania Revenue Authority being a semi-autonomous body  for tax revenue collection in Tanzania has established a system for Taxpayers (thus including businessmen) to simply remit their tax payments to the Authority.
The system is called the REVENUE GATEWAY SYSTEM (RGS) which comprises of various user friendly features such as Registration of Payment Intent, De-registration of Payment Intent, Viewing of Registered Payments, Viewing and following up the status of your tax payments, the system is also connected with the taxpayer's e-mail address where notifications from TRA's RGS system are sent for instance when the payment has actually received into the Bank Account of the Authority and the system can issue tax payment receipts that can be printed-out by the Taxpayer as an evidence of the Tax payment made on that date/day.

There are three (3) categories of tax payments that can be made via RGS
(1). Domestic Taxes ,example, Corporate taxes for companies, VAT, Stamp Duty, Excise Duty, Withholding taxes and other Assessed Taxes.
(2). Custom Taxes, example, Import Duties, Excise Duties on imported goods, etc
(3). Taxes on Motor Vehicle, example,payment for Driving License, etc

Please note that this system is not like an online banking system rather a system designed to give a taxpayer an easy way to register his tax payments, track the status of his tax payments, keep the reference number for his tax payments and assist TRA to reconcile the tax payments for each period/month.

The system is accessible online via the TRA's website, i.e. www.tra.go.tz; under the "do it online" category at 'Register for payment', and all the said processes are done online. Surely you can do this while you are at home, or in a cafe and anywhere you can have internet access while you have your papers for tax workings.

All the tax payment can start through "TRA's RGS" system and then followed up by few procedures with taxpayer's bank to finalise the debiting of his bank account and crediting the TRA's bank Account.
We at Busiminet can assist and train how to use and easily make your tax payments through this system

Please contact us:-

Mwananyamala-msikitini, Mwinyijuma Rd.
P.O. Box 12659 Dar es salaam.
Cell: +255 765 901 093, +255 658 123 158, +255 758 162 447
busiminet@gmail.com, biragipaul@gmail.com, or k.sajo@gmail.com
We welcome you at Busiminet.


Busiminet Company Limited
Kinondoni-Dar es salaam.
Email: busiminet@gmail.com
Mobile Phones:+255 765 901 093/+255 717 799 604/  +255  758 162 447